Acquisto attrezzatura forestale |
Acquisto attrezzatura forestale - sistema combinato camion, torretta, processore. Progetto finanziato da Provincia autonoma di Trento.
Ob rob mednarodni delavnici Problematika podlubnikov – iskanje operativnih rešitev |
Pokljuka, 16. maj 2019
V zadnjih letih smo priča vse večjim težavam z obvladovanjem podlubnikov v smrekovih sestojih. Pogoste in obsežne kalamitete, ki so posledica napada zlasti osmerozobega smrekovega lubadarja (Ips typographus), niso posebnost Slovenije, ampak se z njimi srečuje praktično celotna srednja Evropa, kjer je smreka zastopana s pomembnim deležem. Kot kaže k težavam prispevajo tudi spremembe klime.
70th anniversary of GG Bled |
Monday, 08 October 2018 |
In 2018, GG Bled celebrates its 70th anniversary. A solemn event held on the occasion of this jubilee took place on 4th October 2018 at the Bled Festival Hall. The event was held under the honourable patronage of the President of Slovenia, Mr Borut Pahor.
Solemn award-giving of FSC Certificate |
Friday, 07 January 2011 |
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dejan Židan, M.S., solemnly awards an FSC Certificate to a representative of the Archdiocese Ljubljana and Gozdno gospodarstvo Bled
Forest management and nature protection |
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 |
Content not available in English language. |
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