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Purchase of timber


GG Bled - symbol of reliable timber purchase

We annually purchase about 100.000 m3 of timber. We are a reliable and strong partner to a forest estate owner and timber seller. We purchase all types of forest assortments. In you will sell the timber to us, we ensure:

  • highest possible prices of timber
  • reliable payment of timber
  • precise measurement and fair relation
  • quick reaction time
  • immediate transport of timber

The timber sold to us on a freight vehicle road will be paid within 30 days from the date, on which the timber is transported.

We also purchase standing timber (purchase on the stock of a tree). We harvest and bring the marked trees to the freight vehicle road with our forest workers and arrange the felling area in compliance with the rules of the forest branch. The timber on the stock is paid within 30 days from the day when the timber is transported from the freight vehicle road.

GG Bled - purchase of timber GG Bled - purchase of timber


We can also lease your forest estate for a contractually arranged period of time. In this case we take over integral forest management, which covers all the necessary activities in the management of your forest.


For further information relating to timber purchase or management of your forest estate please contact our purchasers and:


Head of timber purchase:

Peter Bertoncelj

Tel.: +386 4 575 00 30

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


         © 2010 GG Bled d.o.o. Ljubljanska cesta 19, 4260 Bled, Slovenia | All rights reserved | Authors